THERE was a generous New Year response at Wotton Baptist Church when an offering was taken for those affected by the tsunami in Asia. More than £1,000 was given in one morning and this while over half the congregation was away on holiday.

The minister, the Rev Phil Butcher, said: "This is a brilliant response but it is just the start. We shall continue to receive more gifts in the coming weeks and months. Like most people, the church here was deeply moved by the tragedy and everyone wants to do what we can to help."

The money has been given to the BMS World Mission Relief Fund, which was already supporting many churches and Christian aid organisations in the affected parts of Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia before the tidal wave struck.

In the direct aftermath of the tragedy many Baptist churches in the affected regions were on the scene giving food, shelter and comfort.

"It is a privilege to be able to support our brothers and sisters in the world-wide church at such a time as this." said Mr Butcher.