SIR - So once again Cam's version of Postwatch gets on his high horse.

We all know Mr Yarde has an axe to grind with Royal Mail. In fact we seem to be his pet hate. However his letter needs a response.

Yes, the Channel Four programme did show some horrifying things, most of them down to poor management in the London offices. It also contained a lot of untruths put in for dramatic effect.

No, we are not on the point of collapse, quite the opposite. Mail is now delivered later because of changes imposed on us by management in an attempt to save money and make us more competitive. Locally we take great pride in ensuring all mail is delivered no matter how badly addressed.

One of our staff has an incredible memory and, given just a name, can normally provide a list of possible addresses. Mistakes do get made but that's because we're human, not machines.

By all means use a private courier for your important mail. Why stop there? Use them all the time. See how much they charge for a single letter to Scotland for example. 28p? I think not.

The 'golden age' of four deliveries a day and us working Christmas Day is over. Change happens, not always for the best but we all have to accept it. So please stop moaning, we still provide a good service at a very reasonable price.

A Postman, Dursley

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