SIR - The third application to build a ten-bedroom country mansion at Bagpath, in Ozelworth valley, goes to the planning committee at Cotswold District Council on Wednesday. It is virtually the same as the second application.

James Ellis, head of legal services at the council, has written to applicant Mr Cardale, and members of the planning committee, agreeing with objectors that "the applicants have, indeed, carried out intensive lobbying".

"Where there has been persistent and extensive lobbying, as with the above applications there is a greater likelihood that public perception will be that there may have been pre-determination in the minds of some members," he said.

Mr Ellis reminds councillors: "If you have already made up your mind about an application in advance of the committee meeting, this is a prejudicial interest which should be declared by you at the meeting and you should then take no further part in the decision making process.

"For my part, I do not want any future decision to be made by the committee on an application relating to the above site to be the subject of a judicial review or a referral to the Local Government Ombudsman on the basis that there is a public perception that some members may have been compromised by the amount of lobbying that has taken place."

To Mr Cardale Mr Ellis has said: "In the interests of all concerned, I must ask you to immediately desist from lobbying the members of my council's planning committee."

The council has received over 200 letters of objection to the third application. Objectors have booked a bus to take them to the meeting at the council's offices in Cirencester on October 15. This will leave The Hunters Hall at 8.30am.

Objectors are considering what further action they should take in response to the council's handling of this application.

Gill Cathles, Elcombe, Uley