MALCOLM Lynden (Gazette, February 11) chooses not to answer my serious points on nuclear risks at Oldbury and instead makes personal remarks. It is unfortunate if this is the level he operates on, especially as a representative of the local liaison council.

Perhaps things will improve with the introduction to the council in April of groups and individuals who are critical of the industry.

In the meantime he may be concerned by a reduction of safety inspections at Oldbury due to a staff crisis in the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate. Th e regulators are struggling to recruit new staff whilst being overstretched by extra work countering terrorism threats, setting up the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and reorganising BNFL.

This is the worst time in years for inspection cut-backs, with the ageing plant showing significant signs of deterioration. A rep from the inspectors' union said he was 'jumpy' at the thought of a nuclear accident.

Mr Lyndon should know that people outside his village are interested in safety risks at Oldbury and many of our members and supporters live within a few miles. Moreover one million people live in a radius of 35 miles of the degrading plant.

Jim Duffy Shut Oldbury Campaign Stop Hinkley West Quantoxhead Somerset