SIR - I refer to Jeff Weaver's article concerning the plans to have the landing and taking off flight path corridor over Thornbury (Gazette, January 14).

I further gather from his article that flights from Cardiff are also going to start using us.

It's a "good thing" says the report because the planes will be higher and less noisy and less pollutant. By and large we do not have commercial flights over us at present. However the exact opposite will be our 24-hour reality - "not a good thing".

The take off path will have planes accelerating and climbing using the greatest fuel burn per second of the whole flight sequence and we will be under it - "not a good thing".

I also refer to pollution as televised on BBC2 television last week (global dimming) which has shown that air flight is a massive pollutant and is "not a good thing".

Noise pollution and its total intrusion into our daily lives night and day for everyone in our area I say is "not a good thing".

Air flight is reasonably safe but accidents do happen and we'll be directly in line to be the victims. Terrorist activity is another aspect to keep in mind as a pipe bomb could result in bringing a plane down. A bird in flight (bird strike) is also a well-documented occurrence and at times has affected commercial planes. Again the opposite of this report's declarations and "not a good thing".

Our personal lives will greatly reduce in quality and so will our property.

Noise, vibration and broken sleep will be suffered by a large proportion of our community particularly the elderly and nervous. Health issues regarding the inhalation of toxic vapour heavy fall out will also decrease the quality of our lives - "not a good thing".

Our property will also suffer from vibration and corrosive toxin fall out. Insurance premiums will increase and property values will decrease. Who would willingly want to pay to live with intrusive 24 hour aircraft noise plus potential danger by being in an aircraft crash zone plus an overwhelming health risk area plus what about the new big silver bird being built at Filton just how high will that be?

"Not a good thing" at all methinks ... and no I do not believe the world is flat or that the invention of the wheel was an evil act. Equally I do not believe we should tolerate known dangerous consequences of being under flight paths.

Paul Young Greenwood Drive Alveston