MEMBERS of Thornbury In Bloom have said farewell to one of the group’s founders as the team gears up for this year’s competition.

Tony Lines, former chairman of the Thornbury In Bloom committee, who was at the very first meeting of the group 20 years ago, is moving away from the town to live nearer family.

Mr Lines was also once chairman of the Thornbury Horticultural Society and had involvement in the Allotment Association.

Sue Aitken, chairman of the Thornbury In Bloom committee, said: "Horticulture would not have such a prominent place in the life of the town if it were not for his influence.

"As a token of our appreciation Tony was presented with a rose aptly named Flower Power Gold for his new garden."

This year Thornbury In Bloom is also celebrating its 20th anniversary entering the regional South West heats of the In Bloom contest.

During the two decades the group has won a glut of awards including no fewer than six gold awards, one silver award, the Portman Cup twice, the Burford Cup and an RHS discretionary award.

In 2009 Thornbury In Bloom was invited to enter for the first time the national Britain In Bloom competition, and swept the board taking another gold award and best in class.

This year, yet again, Thornbury faces two days of judging as the town makes its second entry into the national Britain In Bloom.

The town will be judged for South West In Bloom on Tuesday, July 19 and for the national finals on Wednesday, August 10, from 4.30pm to 7pm.

To help raise money for this year’s entries Thornbury In Bloom have launched a special mug with images of the town’s floral displays priced at £6 each, and available from Thornbury Garden Shop, T & J Owens, The Town Hall and Bonds Estate Agents.

For more information about Thornbury In Bloom and how to get involved visit