YATE went back in time for the town’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations, recreating the spirit of the coronation.

Hosted by Yate Heritage Centre on Saturday, there was a family fun day including a line-up of entertainers including dancers and singers.

Community heritage officer David Hardill said: "The day went extremely well and there was a lovely atmosphere throughout the day.

"We had 1,225 visitors who enjoyed the various entertainment, performances and demonstrations which helped recreate the spirit of 1953 with a modern twist."

He said the highlight had been a children’s street party, where the guest of honour was Thornbury and Yate MP Steve Webb.

Added Mr Hardill: "The highlight was the children's street party which went off extremely well. Steve Webb came along and added fun to the party which put the icing on a really nice event. A great day all in all."

Sports events included traditional sack races and an egg and spoon race. The event was funded by Yate Town Council with help from Indesit, Morrisons and Sodbnury and Yate Business Association.