A former Miss Hitler beauty pageant contestant has been convicted of being a member of the banned far-right terrorist group National Action.

Alice Cutter, 23, had denied being a part of the group after its December 2016 ban, despite evidence she exchanged hundreds of messages and attended various meetings with other members after proscription.

Her former fiance 25-year-old Mark Jones, a former member of the British National Party’s youth wing and London regional organiser for National Action, was also convicted of membership.

Both were found guilty after a retrial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Mark Jones, and another man, performing a Nazi-style salute at Buchenwald concentration camp, in Germany. (West Midlands Police/PA)

Jones told jurors he had posed for a photograph while performing a Nazi-style salute, and holding a National Action flag, in Buchenwald concentration camp’s former execution room on a trip to Germany in April and May 2016.

The ex-couple called themselves “national socialists” and had also exchanged racist and anti-Semitic messages, including joking about gassing synagogues.

Cutter, of Sowerby Bridge, near Halifax, West Yorkshire, broke down in tears and removed her engagement ring during the first trial in 2019, when it emerged in Jones’s evidence that he had been cheating on his girlfriend with another would-be National Action recruit for four months.

Two other men, Garry Jack, 24, from Heathland Avenue, Shard End, Birmingham, and 19-year-old Connor Scothern, of Bagnall Avenue, Nottingham, were also convicted of being terrorist group members.