Star of The Chase Darragh Ennis has revealed the future of the ITV show.

Better known as 'The Menace', Darragh revealed how on his first day as a Chaser he was told off by bosses for smiling too much.

In 2017 Darragh impressed the bosses at The Chase so much that he was offered the chance to become a new Chaser three years later. 

The ITV star revealed that during the filming of his first episode he "couldn't stop smiling" as he was so excited to be there, according to The Mirror.

The Menace's debut episode became the ITV's series second most viewed episode. 

The Chase star reveals shows future

Discussing his time on the ITV show, Darragh told The Mirror: "I have no problem doing these things.

"I had a genuinely brilliant time recording, I wasn't nervous, I don't really get stage fright, so I just bounced out and thought ‘this is so much fun’.

"But the producers are saying, ‘you're kind of meant to be the Menace, you are meant to be menacing’ because I was smiling so much. I was just having a great time.”

Darragh added that he didn't know what his nickname was until Bradley Walsh announced it during filming.

Outside of being a Chaser, Darragh works as a scientist and researcher at the University of Oxford, sharing: "They had previously floated the idea of calling me the professor, but I asked them not to do that because I was working in university at the time.


Star of The Chase reveals EastEnders icon was nearly a Chaser

"It wouldn't be ideal for people who work very hard for years to get the title of a professor and for me to just be called one."

The Chase star went on to discuss the ITV show's future after it recently celebrated its 15th anniversary.

Darragh said that he hopes there will be another 15 years of The Chase: "Hopefully. You know, if I can pay off my house or I'll have to go find another job."