Active Gloucestershire have teamed up with Stroud District Council to pilot a new Sports Camp for children during the Christmas break.

The newly named activity camp "Stroud Sport Skillz" will take place in the fantastic new sports facility at Thomas Keble Sports Centre on Thursday, January 3 and Friday January 4.

The camp will provide children aged 8 to 14 years-old with a fun array of sporting activities. Activities range from traditional sports such as hockey, football and badminton to something a bit different including ultimate frisbee, kick boxing and dodgeball.

advertisement Nicola Beattie, sport development officer for Stroud District Council said: " This is an exciting partnership project that we hope will provide many children in the district with the opportunity to try new and fun sporting activities during the school holidays."

For booking information please contact Alison Croad on 07770 730871. Or visit to download a booking form.