WICKWAR Wanderers have received a well deserved accolade from the Football Association when they were awarded Chartered Status. This is recognition from the FA that the club is well run and takes the appropriate measures to protect the health, safety and welfare of the children in their care, and provides qualified coaching to all of the different age groups at the club.

The award comes after two years of hard work by the committee, which has seen the number of junior teams representing the club in local leagues grow from four to seven.

The award and the launch of the new teams was helped by support from the club’s sponsors Wotton Building Supplies, who funded the new kits and the first aid training that enabled the club to achieve the standard and gain the award.

The newest teams to start in September will be Under-12s (school year 7) who will play on Sunday mornings, and they are on the lookout for new players. Anyone interested in playing should contact Jeremy Ainsley on 07890 740192. The club would welcome new players at any age group including senior level, and anyone wishing to find out more about the club should contact club chairman, Bob Banister, who will be more than happy to help on 07721 44320.